Monday, August 2, 2010

Are you a Seer? (Part I)

Today many young women face challenges that can have a profound impact on their lives. With the rapid advancement of technology and the media, young women are pressured to entertain lifestyles which are frivilous and demeaning, while exhibiting peccant behavior.

As a single mom and mother of a thirteen year old, I find it extremely hard to raise my daughter in today's environment. How do I contend with videos which promote sex and violence, as well the lyrics found in rap music which demean women? What about the infamous "peer pressure" which lurks in my home, and hides itselfs in my daughter's vocal cords seething around in her throat waiting to attack as she belts out:

".....but Jasmine's mom doesn't have a problem with her dating at thirteen."

I realize it is impossible for me to hide my daughter from the many challenges she will face as a teenager. Therefore, I rely on God to protect and guide her in making the right decisions. Many "moons" have past since I was her age. Although much hasn't change in the world (with the exception to technology and a different way of doing the same thing) my memories of being thirteen hasn't dissipated, either.

Therefore, I can imagine the challenges that my mom faced with me as well. So, I've made it a point to share my experiences with my daughter and remain open and sensitive to the problems she may face. However, when I'm unable to provide her with the wisdom she needs, I point her in the direction of our Heavenly Father whose wisdom and understanding supersedes any advice I can ever give to her.

I share my experiences with my daughter, because I understand the importance of being her "eyes" in the wilderness of life. This doesn't mean she won't run into dry places. Of course, the weapons will form and may stagger her a bit. But, she will be prepared for the battle and the weapons won't prosper.

Such as it is today in my own life, I've made it a point to be a "seer" in the wilderness of life for women who have encountered abuse and are in unhealthy relationships. The many storms I've encountered as a single parent, failed marriage, abuse and unhealthy relationships swept me into an under current of brokeness and despair.

Afraid to share with my friends the ugly truth that I was being abuse. So, I chose to mask my pain under the guise of the "strong woman" syndrome. For many of those years, I knew of God and in my pain I cried unto Him. However, knowing of God and having intimacy with Him is two different things, entirely.

One day the Lord showed me a mirror of Himself and as I looked into it, I saw him but there was small spectacle beside Him. I knew the mirror wasn't dirty, because I rubbed the mirror, profusely trying to get rid of the small spot. As I looked closer into the mirror, I realized it was a small and unrecognizable image which was taking form. I squinted my eyes trying make out what the image was. It was the face of a woman. Suddenly, I realize it was more than just a mirror. It was majical. For in it was the face of a woman I had never seen before. The woman was proud and all around her head were small distinct words such as: blessed, highly favored, successful, virtious, loving, gentle, strong, kind, God-fearing, supporter of her family, generous, beautiful, special, extraordinary, unique and sincere. The words surrounded her head in the form of a crown. Each word was nestled tightly in the face of the crown liken unto gems. The brightness from the words, illuminated the crown. At first the face of the woman was a silloute without form. But, as I stared deeper into the mirror the woman's face began to take shape. The more I looked into the mirror the more I could see her face.

One day, while looking into the mirror of God I saw the face of the woman. Guess what? The woman was me. For the first time in my life I was able to recognize who I truly am. A woman who is loved and adored by God, for who would not withhold any good thing from me. A woman's heart which has become devoted to Him and who wants the same things that He wants for her, His best. He told me that since I'd been able to find Him, it was time for me to show others how to find Him, too. That's when He said to go out into the wilderness and seek out those women who are lost and trying to find their way back. Now that I've given you eyes to see me, use them to help others see Me, too.

Show them the way to their true identity. I will provide you with a compass to guide them. My Word and their faith will work hand in hand to deliver them out of the wilderness. Just as you've been set free, I will free them, also. Go a "seer" for this is what I've commissioned you to do.

Webster dictionary defines a seer as: to see, look, view; to realize, know, consider; to be selected; to become visible, appear, show oneself; to be seen; to cause to see, show; to be shown; to look at each other, meet with; a general word for visual perception.

In the book of Numbers Chapter 10:29-32 (New King James), after the children of Isarel departed from Mount Sinai until the cloud of the Lord stopped in the wilderness of Paran. Moses entreated Hobab (his brother-in-law) to stay with the children of Isarel and be their "eyes" in the wilderness:

"29 Now Moses said to Hobab son of Reuel the Midianite, Moses' father-in-law, "We are setting out for the place about which the LORD said, 'I will give it to you.' Come with us and we will treat you well, for the LORD has promised good things to Israel."

30 He answered, "No, I will not go; I am going back to my own land and my own people."

31 But Moses said, "Please do not leave us. You know where we should camp in the desert, and you can be our eyes. 32 If you come with us, we will share with you whatever good things the LORD gives us."

Hobab was an experienced Arab sheikh familiar with the tracks, passes, and suitable places to camp in the wilderness. His keen eyes in noticing the far off shrubs which bestowed the presence of water, as well as knowing where there was danger of hostile attacks. Although the Ark of the Lord provided divine guidance. God uses ordinary providence to work by natural means.

For which by He still operates today. He uses people who are familiar with the tracks and passes of the wilderness to guide His people through. It is under the skillful and divine guidance of His hand, that His "sheikhs" are fully capable of guiding those who are unfamiliar with the rough terrain of the wilderness. Why? Because, the sheikhs were once lost in the wilderness themselves. It was by His divine guidance that He carefully manuvered them through the toils and snares, and sneaked them passed the dangers which awaited.

As you may noticed in verse 30 Hobab said he would not go but return unto his own land and kindred. This was the last time Hobab was mentioned in the Bible, however, bible scholars believe that Hobab did stay with the children of Isarel and became their natural "eyes" in the wilderness and he was richly blessed as Moses stated in verse 32:

32 If you come with us, we will share with you whatever good things the LORD gives us".

It isn't funny, how we are ourselves are familiar with the descrated places of life. Yet, when asked we choose to respond metaphorically like Hobab in verse 31.

"Girl, I don't have time to talk to you. I'm running late for work. Call me later."

Maybe just a few minutes of your time as a "seer" could draw your friend(s) unto a "real friend" who will always have time for her. Maybe at one time in your life, your circumstances had become to much to bear. Your eyes were weary from searching for water in the wilderness only to find dry places. And it was the "eyes" of a seer who recognize what you were going through and helped guide you through the rough terrain.

As with anyone, sure there were things in my life for which I was ashamed. Little secrets that I refused to share with anyone for fear of being mocked and left feeling like a fool. But, it was those experiences that drawed me to the mirror(Word) of God. In that mirror, I found what I'd seen in man's mirror did not reflect my true image.

For in man's mirror I saw, hopelessness, despair, brokeness, sadness, unhappiness, toil, agony, fear, disease, failure, inadequacies, doubt, loneliness,depression, insecurities, frustration and condemnation. I didn't see a vibrant, alluring, beautiful, unique, special and extraordinary woman of God. Yet, this who I am today.

You see, my wilderness experience has prepared me to be "eyes" for those women who can't see their way. My voice is liken unto the sounds of the trumpet. So, they may hear the sound of trumpet forever blowing as a guide to lead them unto fresh places. God is in need of "seers". It is very easy to get dressed up Sunday after Sunday and go to church, while God is neatly tucked away in your bible. Because your too afraid to share your experiences, for fear that someone may look at you differently and realize that you weren't always saved.

But isn't it your wilderness experience which brought you to God in the first place? Then, why would you think He wouldn't want you to share that experience with someone who may been going through, what He brought you through?

Therefore, I admonish you to get before God and look into His mirror, the Word of God. Then, ask yourself am I a seer?

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