Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Why are you still thinking little of yourself? (Part III of Are you a Seer?)

16Then Samuel said to Saul, "Stop! Listen to what the Lord told me last night!

"What did he tell you?" Saul asked.

17And Samuel told him, "Although you may think little of yourself, are you not the leader of the tribes of Israel? The Lord has anointed you king of Israel?
(1 Samuel 15:16-17, New Living Translation)

In the 15th Chapter of 1 Samuel, the Lord gave Samuel a command to give to Saul to destroy the Amaleks for opposing Israel when they came out of Egypt. The Lord told Saul to destroy the entire nation including women, children, babies, cattle, sheep, goats, camels and donkeys.

However like most of us, Saul chose his own will and not the will of God. He slaughtered the people as God had command, but he saved the best of the spoils for himself. Not only that, he spared the life of Agag, King of the Amaleks.

Because Saul sought to do his own will, rather than the will of God. He rejected Saul as King of Israel. What a pitiful day it had to be for Saul, when Samuel told him the news. Saul saw nothing wrong in his mis-deed and tried to clean up the matter by saying that he destroyed everything as God commanded with the exception to King Agag. It was his troops which, brought back the best of the sheep, goats and cattle, in order to sacrifice them before God. But Samuel replied (1 Samuel 15:22):

"What is more pleasing to the Lord: your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to his voice(Word).

So many times we choose to hear the voice of others, rather than the voice of God. How do we hear His voice? By seeking His will through His Living Word. If we would just take the time to meditate on the good things of God, and the good things he says about us, how much better will our lives become.

God has gifted each of us with a uniqueness of our own. Many times in our lives, we seek recognition from our friends and love ones, to determine who we are. We've built our life on our careers and position in life to determine our success. Or, we draw back and diminish our gifts to make others around us, feel good about themselves.

I find this equally striking for women. Instead of being that "diamond" that God intended you to be, you draw back and accept the shallow things of life. You subject yourselves to men, who should be blinded by your wisdom and beauty. Yet you settled for a man, who believe you're less than a cubic zirconia.

Now we know that a diamond's brillance is the reflection of white light from facets. A facet is a flat surface that is cut into a diamond and then polished to increase the brilliance of the diamond's beauty.

However, cubic zirconia has a higher dispersion rate than a diamond, when light shines on cubic zirconia, it brilliantly sparkles with many different colors refracted in its crystalline structure. Though very attractive, it "outshines" a diamond in this sense, potentially giving itself away.

The Word of God provides that we are Kings and Priests of this World, and rightly so. Because we sit in the heavenly places right beside Jesus Christ. Saul did not recognize who he was in God. God had anointed him to rule a nation, but because of his own insecurities, he rebelled against God. He was afraid of what others might think of him, and therefore was unable to do as God had commanded.

But now, God has chosen to deal with us in a different way, through the personage of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Under the New Covenant He provides (Hebrews 8-12):

10But this is the new covenant I will make with the people of Israel on that day,* says the Lord:

I will put my laws in their mind, and I will write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people.

11And they will not need to teach their neighbors, nor will they need to teach their relatives,* saying, 'You should know the Lord.' For everyone, from the least to the greatest, will know me already.

12And I will forgive their wickedness, and I will never again remember their sins."*

Jesus said to the disciples in John 14:12-13, "I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father. You can ask for anything in my name, and I will do it, so that the Son can bring glory to the Father. Yes, ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it!"

Through the shedding of His blood, He provided a pathway to make all of our dreams come true through faith in Him and His Word. He made a way of escape for us, to live beyond our past hurts and find happiness in Him, by reaching beyond the limits of what we perceive we are able to do. For He is the God of limitless possibilities and it is through belief in Him that we are able to soar to heights we never dreamed possible.

It doesn't matter where you've been or where you come from. He is able to do more through you than you can ever imagine. Inside of you is a diamond, which shines with true brilliance, but is not one.

Therefore, you must stop thinking little of yourself and live as God intended you to live, as a heir to His throne as well as this world. Possess His Word and go forth in your beauty, living as you should live, exceptionally alluring, beautiful, unique, special and extraodinary.

Stop equating yourself, by your failed marriage or the number of bad relationships you've encountered. Stop believing that you fall short and will never amount to anything. Stop taking yourself for granted, to make others happy. Stop believing your self-worth is determined by a man. Stop believing it's too late for good things to happen for you.

Dare to dream and trust in Him. He has the ability to take you places you've never seen. I for one, have learned to trust in Him and His Living Word. Therefore, I see myself walking into places that I've never been. I see doors opening up for me that would never have open without my faith and belief in Him. It is through faith in His Living Word that I've learned to dream in color. As with the words of the RB songtress, Regina Belle as she agressively belts out:

"Tired of living life in black and white. There's so much in between. Like a rainbow in the sky, crying to be seen. When I open my eyes to find inspiration. I search for the best I can see. If I settle for less, I won't be the best I can be.

"When I dream, I dream in color. I want a love (the love of God) not just a lover. I'll (He) give you so many good reasons too capture a dream."

"Life is short and can't be bought. Time is a very precious thing. I want to go to where I've never been and see what's never been seen. In the midst of the morning, I won't take for granted there will always be another new day. Got to live for each moment and never let time slip away."

"When I dream, I dream in color. I want a love (the love of God) not just a lover. I'll (He) will give you so many good reasons to capture a dream."

"If I was in a world, if I didn't care about people, places and things. How could I live a life fully satisfied, not knowing how to dream. When I dream I dream in color. Show me a child who never had a dream, a vision that shows him what his life really means. I'll (He) will give you so many good reasons to capture a dream."

These words are a testimony to my freedom in Christ Jesus, to be a "brave" voice in the wilderness, shouting the Good News of Christ and His undying love for us. To reiterate the call of His challenge when he said (Matthew 11:28-30):

28"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

So tell me, why are still thinking little of yourself?

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