Thursday, June 17, 2010

My book (The final excerpt)

As promised, below is the final excerpt from my book. It is my hope that you've enjoyed each excerpt presented to you. So much that you will be willing to purchase the book (smile). I hand picked the excerpts with the hopes that you would want to read more (of course this is one of my marketing stratedgies, smile).

Of course you are reading the draft which has not been edited. So, please forgive any misspellings or punctuations. I wanted each of you to have an opportunity to read the draft, before the editing or revisions were complete. Please let me know your thoughts and comments. From what you've read so far please provide me with a rating of the book, using a scale from 1 to 5.

I am working feverently to have the book completed prior to July 1st. So please pray with me and for me, for it's completion.

So without further due, here is the final excerpt from Egypt to Canaan Land:

Dave pulled the brown Infinity into the parking lot of the Seventh Avenue Motel. He parked the car next to the silver Jaguar. He jumped out of the Infinity grabbing the fifth of gin sitting on the passenger seat. “Yeah….it’s about time the ole’ bitch showed up” he mumbled sarcastically. He rushed up the stairs putting the key into the door. He turned the knob and walked inside. He didn’t see the woman in the room so he called out to her. She answered and said she was in the shower and would be out in a few minutes. He walked to the small table in the room and sat down. He reached for one of the plastic cups sitting on the table. He opened the bottle of gin and poured a cup full. He stretched his legs out and loosened his pants. He gulped down the first cup, quickly pouring another. Within minutes he could fill the effects of the gin.

The woman emerged from the shower and grabbed a towel wrapping it around her. She looked around for the lubricant she inserted into her vagina, before having intercourse with him. After a few minutes, she realized she left the lubricant in on the nightstand. “Damn…..I was sure I brought into the bathroom” she thought. She walked out of the bathroom pretending to be happy to see him. “Hey…….I…missed you soooo....much. Damn….baby…it’s good to see you” she lied jumping onto his lap. He pushed the woman hard to the floor, exposing her nakedness.

“Bitch….what took your ass so long to get here! I waited in this room for over an hour. Now, you have the fuckin’ nerves to jump on my lap, acting like you're happy to see a nigga'! Bitch…..please….” coldly he replied. The woman eyes bulged, as she became frightened. She noticed the gin bottle sitting on the table and realized he was high. “But…baby….I….had trouble at the bank. My husband changed the accounts. I can't withdraw large amounts without his signature. Instead of being able to withdraw what I want. I can only withdraw five-hundred at a time. However, the clerk was nice enough to let me withdraw a thousand, anyway” she lied. “So you’re telling me, your ass is short?” he asked. “Yeah…baby…I argued with the clerk for over thirty minutes. That’s why I’m so late” still lying she said. “So, what in the fuck am I supposed to do? You know I depended on you to have the money ready for me, today. Now….you’re saying, that you don’t have all the money?!” he snapped.

“Baby…..what am…I supposed to do. I tried everything I could to get the clerk to give me another grand. But, he wouldn’t without my husband’s approval” she cried. “Well….I’m supposed to be leaving town in the morning. Now, you’ve gone and fuck everything up! Which means I’m going to need to delay the trip for another day?! How long will it take you to get the money tomorrow, anyway?!" harshly he asked. “Baby….I’m…going to have ask my husband for the money. It shouldn’t be a problem, I’ll tell him I need some new shoes or something” she replied. “Bitch….you think you’re hubby is stupid enough to fall for a lie, like that? What damn pair of shoes cost a g’?” stupidly he asked.

The woman looked at him and smiled. “Damn….he is charming and a good lay, but he is stupid when it comes to buying expensive shit. This nigga’ has spent his life hustling women. In the midst of it all he hasn’t learn a damn thing. All he knows is the luxury name of an expensive car. I bet the bastard has never owned a two hundred dollar pair of shoes” smirking she thought.

"What the hell are you looking at me like that for?” angrily he asked. “Baby……I….was just thinking that after all I’ve told you about my husband, you were not paying attention. He doesn’t care about what I spend, as long as I’m not bothering him. He will give me anything that I ask for. However, the problem with all of this is, I won’t be able to get you the money until eight-o-clock tomorrow evening. He’s out of town and won’t be back until seven-o-clock tomorrow night. I can meet you in the old parking lot behind Benji’s liquor. That way, I won’t be seen and you won’t have to worry about running into your partners who might be hanging on the block” cunningly she replied.

“Mmmmmm…….I don’t know….that means I’m going to have to pay some extra ends to reschedule my flight” he lied. “No problem….baby…I will just add an extra five-hundred to the grand. Will an extra five be ok?” she asked. “Yeah… extra five will be fine. But you better make sure your ass is on time. The spot is hot, right now. I don’t need to run into any of them punk motherfuckers on a technicality.

Last time, I was on the block things didn’t go over to well with Hootie. Some shit went down and he made it clear, that if necessary he’d sell a brother out. So…you better be there at exactly eight-o-clock. If not, your husband may not be surprised at you spending a g’ on some shoes. But, he sure as hell will be surprised if I should show up at his door” nastily he replied. “Baby….don’t worry….I’ll be there on time. I know you don’t like to wait, and I’m last one who wants to keep you waiting” she lied.

Dave stood up over the woman and pulled her up off the floor. He dropped his pants exposing his underwear. The woman reached down to massage his manhood, but he pushed her hands away. “Haven’t you forgotten something?” he asked. The woman looked puzzled. Dave turned his attention towards the lubricant sitting on the nightstand near the bed. “Oh……yeah…….I forgot” she stammered.

“Yeah….well… need to take care of that shit! You know I can’t stand penetrating into a dry wall!” insulting he said. The woman walked to the nightstand and grabbed the lubricant. She headed for the bathroom closing the door behind her. She sat down on the toilet and began to cry. She cried for Larissa, Danielle, LaTanya and Helen. She cried for the many times she allowed him to insult her. She cried out of stupidity for longing for a man who never loved her. She cried for the women who had walked in her shoes and the young women, who one day would try to fit into them. She cried for all women who had once loved a man like Dave. She put her hands over her mouth to muffle the sounds of the groans which were lodged in her stomach and throat. This had been the first time she cried since she got the news about Larissa.

“Hey…..what in the hell is taking you so long in there? If a nigga didn’t know better…I’d think you were in there playing with yourself. Isn’t that what’s the lubricant for? Damn…menopause must be a motherfucker” wickedly he laughed. He looked at his watch and noticed it was nine thirty. “Shit this bitch is going to have to hurry up” he thought reaching for the empty cup. Noticing the cup was empty, he slid off the bed and refilled it. “What a nigga won’t do for the money” he mumbled. He knew he was going to have the cut the evening short. By now, Saphrina was up and waiting on him. He hadn’t been able to make love to her and knew she wanted him. Besides, he wanted to test her goods too. From the looks of her, it seemed she knew what to do in bed. Tonight was the night he was going to make love to her. So, he was going to have sex with the ole’ broad and make it real quick. “Hell…just thinking about Saphrina arouses me” he smiled. He gulped down the third cup of gin and lied on the bed. “What the fuck are you doing in there?!” harshly he asked. “Just a minute, baby” she replied. “Hurry the fuck up….I told you that I had to meet with my crew!. Damn! It shouldn’t take that long, to insert some shit into your vagina!” nastily he said.

The woman inserted the lubricant into her vagina and stood up. She flushed the toilet and washed her hands. She picked up a towel and wet it, rubbing the towel over her entire face. “Naw….baby….I’m….sorry…I had to pee” she lied looking at her face in the mirror. “Pretty soon Mr. Anderson…you are going to regret mistreating anybody’s daughter. Tonight the joke may be on me, but tomorrow it will be on you” she thought smiling as she opened the door to the bathroom.

“It’s about damn time!” he said harshly. “Baby…..I had to pee” she said sweetly. He slid off his underwear and rolled over on top of the woman. He penetrated her roughly and began grunting as if he was a mad man. With each thrust she could feel a sharp pain in the walls of her vagina. She held onto him by his shoulders as her face grimaced with pain. He grabbed her by the hair and began calling out obscenities to her. She tried to smile at him as if she was enjoying the intercourse. He stabbed away into her as she tried to hold onto him. The pain was so severe, that her nails penetrated into his skin.

Finally, reaching an orgasm he rolled over and slapped her hard in the face. “Whap!” was sound of his hand across her face. “What…….the…hell….”she said grabbing her face. “Bitch… many times have I told you, not to leave marks on me? You know I bruise easily! I’m a stud, if you can’t take the animal in a young nigga’ then you should leave him the fuck alone!” he shouted. “But…….I…didn’t….mean…too” she said starting to sob. “Dry up the fuckin tears, bitch! You knew what you were doing! How in the hell am I going to explain this shit to the next bitch? What am I suppose to tell her? I was having intercourse with some ole’ broad who can’t hang with a rough rider?” coldly he asked.

“What do you mean…..what…woman…’re…with, what woman will make you explain anything to her, anyway?” she asked pretending to be curious while holding her face. He knew he had too much to drink by now. He had let it out he was sleeping with someone else. “What in the fuck are you talking about? You know I’m not sleeping with anyone, but you. What kind of trip are you on, anyway? You been smoking that shit again?” sarcastically he asked. He knew he had said the wrong thing. Most of his women believed they were the only one. That’s how he got paid. By making a female believed that she was the only one for him. He wined and dined her and made her believe the stars shined brightly upon her. He took his women to his favorite spot. Where, he wooed them under the moonlight. It was something about the beach, which women found hard to resist. The moonlight and stars seemed to make a bitch feel alive and needed. The spot at the beach worked every time.

“Baby…..I’m…..not smoking, anything. I heard you say that you would have to explain to the next female, why scratches are on your back” she replied. “You know what….you talk too much. Listen and learn, if I was with another bitch, do you think I would be here with you?!” harshly he asked.

He rose off the bed and stared coldly into her eyes. She had seen that look before in his eyes. It was at that moment she knew not to kindled his anger, any further. “Naw…baby….I…don’t believe you would be with me and have the next woman on the side” she lied. “Well…..ok…then…you know you’re the only woman for me. It’s taken some time for us to be together. So much has happen in the past couple of years. Larissa refused to leave me when she found out she was pregnant with Danielle. I had to spend time promoting the group, which left me with hardly any time to spend with you. But you do know that I love you, right?” he lied.

“Yeah….baby…sure” lying she replied.
“Anyway…baby…I got to go. I have to meet up with the crew and I’m already late. You do understand, don’t you” smiling he asked. “Of…..course….baby” faking a smile she replied. “By the way….where is the money?” he asked. She rolled over and grabbed her purse off the nightstand near the bed. She opened her wallet and pulled out ten crisp one hundred dollar bills. Reaching for the money he leaned over and kissed her on the check. He never apologized for slapping her.

“Baby….so…we will meet at eight-o-clock tomorrow night” she asked faking a smile. “Yeah…baby…for sure. But, right now I need to jump in the shower” he replied. She watched him as he grabbed his pants and underwear off the floor and walked into the bathroom closing the door behind him.

“Bastard…..has the nerves to sexually assault me and turn around and slap the shit out of me! This nigga’ is crazy for real. I know this brother is short of a measuring stick. If he’s not stopped soon, he's going to hurt someone for real” she thought. She heard the sounds of the water pulsating from the shower head. She knew he was taking a shower. She jumped out of bed and put on the negligee. She stood in front of the small mirror on the side of wall and examined her face. When saw the puffiness in her face she gasped. “What……the…..fuck!” she said astonished in the mirror.

She heard the water cease in the bathroom. Immediately she jumped back into bed. He emerged from the bathroom wrapped in a towel. He hardly noticed her as he rushed to put on his clothes. He sat down at the small and table and put on his shoes. He got up and walked to the night stand poured another cup of gin. He gulped the gin down quickly. He looked at her and smiled. “If I were you, I’d take the ice bucket and run downstairs, quickly. It looks as if your face is about to swell. If you don’t take care of it right now, it’s going to leave an ugly bruise in the morning. We wouldn’t want hubby to notice it. He might change his mind about giving you my ends. So, you take care of that, sweetie” he smirked.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad that this is the last one becse I cannot take no more fill in the blanks. I am also going to get fired if you keep send them. I drop everything and start reading. HA. Great Job. I also like Man v God

